20 January 2015

Spicing up a Room with CDs

I can't even call this a DIY. How about Pinterest-y room décor inspo? Too tacky....

Creativity flew in the window when I decided what to do with some of my CDs; blue-tack them to my shelf! I thought it looked super cool next to my cliché One Direction posters (aaay, I do like them; these posters are a souvenir from the Where We Are Tour, so they're pretty special since it was such a fun concert).

It's still, of course, possible to open and close the CDs. One fault in what I did was use blue-tack; it is usable, it's just that the CDs can fall off. Maybe use something stronger to hold them up? Or more blue-tack than I used? I don't mind sticking them back up again nonetheless, but you might!

I'm using these CDs hardly ever now, so it was great to find a place for them; it really does spice up my room :D

Do you like my random broadcast of my random 'DIY'?

This is about as crafty as I get, fizzy, quirky dorks. You've been treated :)
Let me know if you do the same with your CDs!

13 January 2015

OUTFIT | I'm Not A Blogger

I tricked you all!
Of course I'm a blogger, I just have a hat full of sarcasm and irony.

So this is my first post of the new year! And first outfit post! Even though this outfit was worn last year! Yay for late OOTDs and slightly out of season reindeer décor (Christmas is sadly over once again)!
The Three (+ half) Point Update:
1 The mock exams are coming up in February. Yikes.
2 But I'm going away for a weekend before the mocks in February to Roma :D
3 I started listening to Twenty One Pilots and WHY HAVE I ONLY LISTENED TO THEM NOW (if you're a fan let me know. Urgently.)
3(+half) It snowed today at school and it was magic.

Back in December for Mum's birthday, the fam and I ventured to Waterford for a few days staying in the Faithlegg Hotel. A gorgeous country-esque house hotel, set on large grounds beside a golf course, the place was too good not to take outfit photos in. Even though the lighting isn't spot on (ft. photos of flash and blurred no-flash everyone), as the sun was just setting, at least you can see the outfit!

This wintry outfit is very casual but still not casual (that makes total sense *Karen from Mean Girls face*).  I love how the green plaid shirt, beanie and red scarf complement each other.

If you're wondering, my last few days of 2014 spent just off Waterford city was a blast, and consisted of ice skating, photo taking, scrumptious food and bonding with my fun second-cousin who I hadn't seen for quite a while. Oh yes, and of course, Mum's birthday! Love you Mum!


The fantabulous 'I'm Not A Blogger' hat bought in Bershka back in October was worn properly for the first time that day. With this masterpiece of a creation, I can disguise my blogger identity on false pretences *evil cackle*. An Instagram post conversation three months ago with Guilianna and Grace went as follows:

Guilianna: Love this beanie.
Grace: I need this !!!
Jane: Ahh isn't it cool? I think every blogger should have something like this as a uniform
Guilianna: I totes agree! Where did you get it?
Jane: Bershka! And I know, then we could all take selfies and add the hashtag #bloggersbeanie or something haha
Grace: omigod yes :D I need to find a bershka

Hope your January hasn't been all blue!
But for all you moaners, give January a break; she can be a good month.