31 October 2014

Meeting up with Gaby

First and foremost, Happy Halloween! :D
I hope you all have a safe and fun celebration today.

Last Sunday, I got the chance to meet Gaby of Don't Need Makeup to Cover Up in Dundrum shopping centre as she was over from the west for the weekend. I was so excited to meet her! I've known her for over two years now and love her blog and YouTube. I never took into account that she was a real person.
 As you can tell, I've never met another blogger before Gaby, so it was amazing to get to do this. We walked around the shopping centre, through Penney's, Boots, Bershka, River Island, and the outdoor area and chatted. It had been two hours so quickly! We took selfies and even vlogged a little.

"Oh look, those girls are taking a selfie"
We decided to take pictures of each other's outfit for a mini OOTD...

Jacket: Forever 21
Top: Bershka
Necklace Forever 21
Jeans: Hollister
Shoes: UGG
Bag: Kipling

Check out Gaby's outfit details over on her blog by clicking the photo!

It's so crazy how blogging and social media can get you to know and meet such wonderful people from anywhere. I am so thrilled I got the opportunity.
Thanks so much again Gaby, it was so much fun meeting you! Hopefully we'll see each other again soon.
Check out Gaby's vlog here that I feature in (awkward style).


I have lots of things going on right now at the moment, but I'll try my best to blog as much as I'd like to.  Staayyyy tuunnneeddd!!!

20 October 2014

My Fashion Icon

 What is a fashion icon?
In my own words, a fashion icon is a person that people are inspired by,
have respect for and admire for their fashion sense.

There have been tons of fashion icons throughout the decades; designers like Coco Chanel, Marc Jacobs and Yves Saint Laurent, public figures like Jacqueline Kennedy, Princess Diana and Michelle Obama, artists like Lady Gaga, Madonna, Taylor Swift and the Beatles, and models and actresses like Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Twiggy, Kate Moss, the Jenner sisters and Cara Delevigne.

Almost anyone can fill people with the creativity to dress a certain way.
But not all of these inspirations are known by name.
In this generation, people look for outfit ideas everywhere, not just as they venture through their daily lives, but online. Street style is loved by many through Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, and lots of bloggers are looked up to *cough cough cough* but the power of these fashion icons is what they're wearing, not their name or who they are.

So, my fashion icon? I don't believe I have one.

I don't have a fashion icon whose outfits and approach to the latest trends I follow. My style is influenced by lots of things; trends, things I like, and many a famous person. I never love an item I see on the internet or in magazine enough that I must purchase it. The usual case for me is that when I am out and about shopping with nothing in particular to buy, I see clothes that 'I think would work with so and so', and buy it. Does anyone ever picture themselves sporting an item of clothing at a certain event or... just me? Haha. I build my wardrobe from loving items in shops most of the time! I think surveying clothes physically is the easiest way for me to fall for it.

On the whole, I like way too may things to have just one fashion icon.

Even though people are 'inspired by' fashion icons on what to buy and what to wear, everyone dresses differently. Yes, people may wear the same sort of thing, but the way they approach it is still different in minor details. No matter how alike some outfits look, there are always little alternatives. Yes, I'm talking about those celebrity 'Wardrobe Wars'! Another example; I would wear my black classic blazer with jeans, while others would wear it with a pencil skirt. Little changes like that is what I love about fashion. So I think every person in the world dresses uniquely (of course, unless you buy the exact, and I mean exact, same clothes as someone).

I don't really know where I'm going with this post. I think the gist of what I'm saying is that I don't have a one specific fashion icon, I take ideas from anything, I buy things when I see it in the shop and I believe that every human being has distinct fashion sense.

One thing I must say to finish this off is one big tip for those who would love to be a fashion icon:
Don't dress to stand out of the crowd; dress to express who you are and to be remembered.

Who is your fashion icon, if you have any?

13 October 2014

My 13 Quick Beauty Tips and Tricks for Beginners

If you're a reader to this blog, you may notice some things in today's post I have mentioned before, or some I may not have commented on before. Or you are new to here, just looking for a bit of help with where to start when it comes to all things beauty, not caring what website this is. Whatever the sitch, I hope you enjoy reading my beauty advice!

1. Moisturiser and SPF are the best beauty items to have.
2. You don't have to stay away from the tweezers to get good eyebrows; just pluck with care. Choose what you want to pluck before you start tweezing. Remember; thick eyebrows are in.

3. When trying out shades of concealer, bb cream, foundation or other face products in a shop, match the colour to your neck, not your hand.

4. Top coats do work for helping nail colour last.

5. Press on your powder. Brushing it on may rub off your base make up.

 6. Sometimes I decide on what lip colour I'm going to wear first, then base my eye make up around it.

7. BLEND OUT your face make up, please. Down your neck, to the back of your neck, to your ears, to the very edge of the hairline. It will look more natural.

8. I can't give you amazing advice on how to use eye-shadow professionally; all I can say is to just experiment. For me, it works out most of the time!

9. Forgot blush? Use the lip colour you're using on the apples of your cheeks.

10. Dab tiny bits of highlighter or brightening concealer on the bridge of your nosecheekbones, brow bones and chin. They're the most flattering places.

11. A classic; after applying lipstick, press your lips down onto a tissue so the colour stays.

12. A Tangle Teezer brush may just save your life. I mean, it may save your hair. Just buy a Tangle Teezer!

13. SMILE.
Beauty doesn't just mean make up, hair products and nail polish.
And it 's not all about appearance.
Beauty also means a happy, kind, positive character.
So think positive thoughts and you will look beautiful!

As Benefit say, laughter is the best cosmetic, so grin and wear it!

What are your beauty tips?

11 October 2014

"I'm Ready to Go" | Autumn Party Look

Friday last my family celebrated my Granddad's 80th birthday in my house. About sixty people attended, with uncles, aunts, cousins, great-aunts, great-uncles, second-cousins, including those I had never met before, making the guest list.
Although the majority of my time spent at the party was helping out, like taking coats, awkwardly, for my Granddad's friends and family, all quite an older age than me, it was a fun party. I met my lovely cousins from Cork for the first time. Best of all, it was amazing to see my Granddad so happy. He always is, but that night he was really having a ball.

I was so pleased with my make-up and outfit choice that I HAD to take photos (blogger habits) before the party began. I thought it was a great example of a dark fall party look with a pop of colour on the lips. I must say my eye-liner turned out well. In the a/w season I seem to go all grungy at times... I suppose I like changing up my look a lot!

Dress: Topshop
Shoes: M&S

What's your autumn party go to look?

06 October 2014

Blogging VS Life: How to Balance

 Blogging in the past while has become quite serious.

And one of the many blogging myths or 'rules' put out there is that "you have to post regularly".
As a teenager, I have a busy life; from school, family, study, hockey, homework, friends and parties, piano lessons and blogging, lately I haven't had nothing to do. I'm sure this is the same for many other teen bloggers out there, and, of course, other bloggers. And non-bloggers. Everyone. Balancing life can be a challenge for everyone. Time. Oh, time.

Anywho, back to bloggers, there is already a lot to be done when you're blogging alone. I envy full-time bloggers; they still work hard, but are focusing on one thing. I have eleven subjects to study for exams in June while I would rather put all of my energy into my blog 24/7.

I know that every dedicated blogger, including me, out there is in competition with time in one way or another. I only have so much to say about it.


And these tips I don't always follow, so it's okay if you fail.

Blogging should be done at your own pace; your time spent working on it should be shaped and moulded into what suits you.

But most importantly, do what you want.
Have fun with the blogging life!